امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2015 فى السودان

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2015 فى السودان

ثانيا الاجابة

ArabRepublic of Egypt
Ministry of Education
Completion of Egyptian G.S.C.E in the Republic of Sudan, 2015
[New System – First Session]
First Foreign Language: English                                     Time: 3 hours

إجابة امتحان السودان دور أول 2015     أ- حسين فوزي
أ / حسين فوزي   معلم خبير لغة انجليزية Mob: 0111 3 20 24 76  
1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1.       I don't agree with you as surfing the net is useful.
2.     It keeps me fit.
3.     It's a good idea. Let's go.
4.    I wish I could but I have an exam.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of
the following two mini-dialogues:
1-    Place                                    : Butcher's
Speaker A   : Customer
Speaker B    : Butcher
Function     : Request and inquiry ( Giving information- warning)
2-  Place                            : On a plane
Speaker A : Flight attendant
Speaker B : Passenger-traveller
Function   : Offering help –refusing and giving a reason
3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1- a) exploration  
2- b) is          
3- c) pollute                                  
4- a) old fashioned                     
5- d) excavation
6- d) extracted
7- c)follows                                                           
8- b) diameter                                          
9- a) is reading                 
10 -b) had met                  
11- c) Should                                                          
12- c) specialist                             
13- d) whose
14- a) go                                         
15-b) had been
16- a) solo  
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write
them correctly:
1-      factory
2-     landfill
3-      operation
4-     stinging
5-     had been writing
had written
6-     celebration
Reading    Passage (1)
1-They both need a constant supply of fuel to provide them with energy.
2-They live directly on mineral matters like salts and water by sending their roots into the earth and even into the rocks.
3- a- absorb     b-obtain
4-c- get no organic substance                    5- d- continuous
Passage (2)
1-It teaches them to rely on themselves and make their own decisions so they become more independent.
2-They feel very lonely.
3-I am for them because they teach students how to rely on themselves
4- b-rich           5-c-minority
The Novel (The Prisoner of Zenda)
A. Answer the following questions:
1-  She thinks he must be the king as he has always lived in Ruritania and cares about the people.
2- It means that the King was kidnapped from the hunting lodge and locked in the castle of Zenda.
3- They are going to bury Josef’s body so no one will know about his murder.
4- He was an important Englishman who is about to become an ambassador and he was the person who Rassendyll would work with.
B. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"It would be very useful for Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game's over."
 a- Sapt to Rassendyll.
 b- As Rassendyll complained that there are always men              following him.
c- The game of who is King. Michael would also kill the real King        and then make himself King.
C) Find the mistake in each of the following and correct it:
1-      Sapt
2-     Loyal
E- Translation
A. Translate into Arabic:
            Good citizens are those who devote themselves, their time and their money for the welfare of their families. They are also ready to sacrifice themselves when their country is in danger.
إن المواطنين الصالحين هم الذين يكرسون أنفسهم و وقتهم و أموالهم من اجل رفاهية أسرهم و هم كذلك على استعداد للتضحية بأنفسهم عندما تواجه بلدهم اى خطر .
B. Translate into English:
1- تتصدر الحوادث الجوية دائما عناوين الصحف لانها لا تبقي احدا علي قيد الحياة.
Air accidents always come as newspapers first pages as no one can survive.
2- يؤدي السلام الي التقدم والرخاء بينما تؤدى الحروب الي الدمار والمجاعات.
Peace leads to progress and prosperity while wars lead to destructions and famines.
