مدرسه علي الهوا شرح علوم الوحده الاولي للصف السادس الابتدائي الكتله والوزن لغات

science 6 primary unit one mass and weight  2017 
يقدم موقع ايجي فاست لمتابعيه شرح الوحده الاولي من ماده العلوم للصف السادس الابتدائي لغات بعنوان الكتله والوزن من مدرسه علي الهوا 

science 6 primary unit one mass and weight  2017


Unit 1: Force and Motion
                             Unit 2: Thermal Energy
Unit 3: The Atmosphere
Unit 4: Structure and Function of the living Organisms

mass and weight

اهداف الدرس

Determine the mass of some objects using the scales

Determine the weight of some objects using the spring scales

Calculate the weight of an object by knowing its mass

Compare between mass and weight.

Calculate the weight.

Recognize the concept of mass and weight.

Determine the factors that affect the weight.

Recognize the properties of mass and weight.

Calculate the mass by knowing the weight

Determine the factors that affect the mas.
